Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is an FDA-cleared treatment for anxiety, depression and insomnia. It has been shown to be a safe and effective adjunctive treatment for these symptoms which has few side effects. While designed for at-home use, the device required can be cost prohibitive for many. For others, they may want an opportunity to try the device before investing in the required equipment.
There are 2 FDA-cleared devices for CES. These devices deliver a microcurrent of electricity to your nervous system which does two things. First, it increases alpha waves in your brain. These waves occur naturally when you are in an alert but relaxed state. Second, CES regulates the functioning of neurons over time which results in alleviation of symptoms. We have chosen to offer the use of the Alpha-Stim which is manufactured and sold by EPII. This device is easy to use and was originally cleared by the FDA in 1976. The current device has been thoroughly researched and has been found to be safe and effective for the treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia. We have designed a program that will allow clients to access devices which are owned and maintained by the practice for either a clinic trial or for a course of treatment. This will allow clients to determine if CES may be a beneficial addition to their treatment program. The clinic is available for clients that are currently in psychotherapeutic treatment. As this is an adjunctive treatment and self-administered, it is important that any person engaged in the clinic has their symptoms regularly monitored by a treating provider. As part of the clinic, client’s will complete weekly rating scales to evaluate symptom response to CES treatments. These results will be made available to the treating provider. See the CES Clinic Fact Sheet below for more information.
Viewpoint is now offering the opportunity to rent an Alpha-Stim device to established clients of our practice. This allows clients to experience the benefits of CES in the convenience of their home for the duration of the rental period.
"After I left the office yesterday, I had the “I’m anxious because I’m not anxious” feeling and then, I just started crying. Happy tears. I realized for the first time I was genuinely content and unburdened. Like a mental block had been removed. It made me so happy to feel what I had been chasing my entire life- the ability to feel without being overwhelmed and crippled. I contently was alone last night. I wasn’t worried, sad, or jealous." - Alpha-Stim user